Thursday, January 28, 2010 Game Review

Are you a Gamer who has been looking for something different?

Perhaps something that combines Real time strategy with live player vs player roleplay. has all this and much more!

This game takes RTS, PVP, and RP to a level never touched on before, allowing each player to create their own unique role and become part of the ever evolving story.

It is a FREE Browser-Based game with involving live chat that can and often does include the developer. This is largly what allows for ever changing evolvution of the game.

Several things in the game have come directly from players ranging from epic quests, to new areas, and game changes like items that can be crafted through questing by the players who can craft items and several other things too numerous to mention. These items are useable in many ways for the game and story roleplay.

I do have to say this game is not easy. There is a learning curve that is different from other games but the story and in game chat is a great way to get a deeper understanding of how to play. Meeting everyone you can in the game is a good idea because as you meet them you can find out their secrets as well as depending on their roles how they can help you in your journey.

I give MagicDuel 2 thumbs up and have since I first started playing about 2 years ago. You can find me in the game as Kragel. I am the Metal Mage. Seek me out if you should need my services in getting started. I am a former Live Help Operator, (LHO) and very much still enjoy helping new players get started in their journey to understanding the game and the magic it holds.

Find out what the magic is all about. Try it now!